Chemical Coagulants used in Waste Water Treatment Supplier in Kandla, Gandhidham, Surat, Dahej.
Coagulation and Flocculation are essential components of Waste Water Treatment Processes, e.g. for reducing water turbidity, for chemical phosphorus removal and for reducing suspended solids.
Chemical coagulants used in wastewater treatment fall into two main category : Organic and Inorganic Coagulants.
Organic coagulants are generally used for solids & liquids separation and sludge generation. Organic formulations are based on the following chemistries:
•Polyamines e.g. polydiallyldimethyl ammonium chloride – The most widely used class of organic coagulants, which function by charge neutralization alone. Polyamines are effective at treating higher turbidity raw water and wastewater.
•Melamine Formaldehydes and Tannins – These coagulate the colloidal material in the water and absorb organic materials such as oil and grease.
Inorganic coagulants are both cost-effective and applicable for a broad variety of water and wastewater. Inorganic coagulants are particularly effective on raw water with low turbidity and will often treat this type of water when organic coagulants cannot.
Examples of inorganic coagulants are as below:
- Aluminum Sulfate (Alum) – One of the most commonly used water treatment chemicals in the world despite being mildly hazardous to health. Alum is manufactured as a liquid from which the crystalline form is dehydrated.
- Aluminum Chloride – A second choice to Alum as it is more expensive, hazardous and corrosive.
- Polyaluminum Chloride (PACl) & Aluminum Chlorohydrate (ACH)
- Ferric Sulfate & Ferrous Sulfate – Ferric sulfate is the more commonly used, but ferrous sulfate is typically used in applications where a reducing agent or excess soluble iron ions are required.
- Bentonite is a type of clay used as a weighting agent in water high in color and low in turbidity and mineral content. The bentonite joins with the small floc, making the floc heavier and thus making it settle more quickly.
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