Industrial Cleaning Solvent Supplier in Kandla , Gandhidham, Mundra , Dahej, Surat .

Industrial Cleaning Solvent  :-  Industrial Solvent Cleaners are formulated to remove greasy and oily soils, metalworking fluids and coolants, straight and soluble oil metal-forming lubricants and tramp oils. Industrial cleaning solvents are formulated specifically for today’s demanding precision metal cleaning operations requiring high-quality surface finishes and cleanliness.

WATER TREATMENT CHEMICAL Supplier in Kandla, Sikka, Gandhidham, Mundra, Surat.


Gluteraldehyde (Disinfectant Chemical) is a non combustible clear liquid with pungent odor. It is widely used in hydraulic fracturing fluid to prevent bacterial growth that can impair the production of oil & gas. This compound also serves as sterilant that has the ability to kill endospores of many bacteria and viruses. It can be utilized as a biocide in concentration of 0.1% to 1.0% and as a preservative for long term storage.

Cooling Water Treatment Chemical Supplier in Kandla Port, Sikka Port, Mundra Port, Gandhidham.

Cooling towers are vulnerable to a variety of contaminants that cause deposit formation, such as mineral scales and sludge. Deposition interferes with heat transfer, increases corrosion rates, restricts water flow, and causes loss of process efficiency and production.To ensure such cooling systems are accurately maintained and operate at optimum efficiency it is essential that the correct cooling water conditions must be used and maintained at all times. This can be effectively achieved using Cooling Water treatment chemical.

AIR COOLER CLEANER for Diesel Engine Air Cooler, Turbo Charger, Scavenging air systems.

Air Cooler Cleaner is formulated with powerful solvent emulsion cleaner to remove oil, grease, carbon residue from air coolers, turbochargers and scavenging systems. It has self foaming characteristics which is helpful for complete cleaning. It is used for carbon deposits cleaning of machinery parts. Air Cooler Cleaner has been developed for safe, fast and economicalin service cleaning of the air handling systems.  

Descaling Chemical For Boiler, Heat Exchanger, Evaporator Supplier in Kandla, Gandhidham, Surat, Dahej.

Scale Cleaning chemical for cleaning of boilers / heat exchangers are to prevent tube failures and improve unit availability. Tube failures in low pressure boilers/heat exchangers are normally the results of creep which occurs when internal deposits produce excessive metal temperature. A relatively smaller quantity of deposit creates difficulties in high pressure boilers. After a boiler / heat exchanger placed into service, numerous solid constituents may enter the units with the feed water & some portion of the insolubles can be expected to deposit on surfaces.
