Soot Remover Powder Supplier in Chembur, Mumbai, Gandhidham ,Ahmedabad, Rajkot.
Soot Remover Supplier in Chembur, Mumbai, Gandhidham ,Ahmedabad, Rajkot and all International ports.
Soot Remover Powder is formulated for effective prevention of soot and fire scale deposits from boilers and diesel engine exhaust systems
SOOT REMOVER POWDER is a compound of combustion chemicals, specially formulated to safely remove soot and fireside deposits from boilers and diesel engine exhaust systems. SOOT REMOVER POWDER helps reduce fireside corrosion by removing the binders of corrosion deposits.
The residual fuel oils available on the market contain considerably higher quantities of asphalt, carbon, and sulphur that contaminate the exhaust gas and thereby increase the risk of soot deposits on the exhaust gas boiler tubes. The main constituent of the soot deposit is particulates but, in addition, some unburnt residues of fuel and lubricating oils may be deposited in the boiler because of faulty combustion equipment and, in particular, in connection with starting and low speed running of the engine.
The potential ignition temperature of the soot layer is normally in the region of 300-400oC, but the presence of unburnt oil may lower the ignition temperature to approx. 150oC and under extreme conditions even down to 120oC. This means that ignition may also take place after stop of the main engine as a result of glowing particles remaining on the boiler tubes. SOOT REMOVER POWDER helps to reduce the ignition temperature of the combustibles in the remote cold parts of the boiler so that they will easily burn off, leaving a light ash powder as a by-product, which can easily then be removed. Fireside free surfaces on heat exchangers will yield better heat transfer properties and thus economize on fuel. The product further acts at exhaust gas system ends by preventing acid formation, thus mitigating corrosion on exhaust system ends.
Operating the engine on heavy residual fuels of low quality has an increasing effect on the tendency towards soot deposits. This tendency may be considered as an unavoidable parameter unless special fuel additives are used. The latter reduce the stickiness of the soot and may be very useful in large capacity boilers, which are more vulnerable to soot deposits .
RXSOL-70-7005-025 is a Dry powder compound formulated for safe removal of soot creosote fire scale and deposits from boilers and diesel engine exhaust systems to control corrosion on metal surface.
Soot Remover should be introduced to the boiler through a suitable port, preferably with a blower, ensuring that the powder is spread through the flame path towards the back of the combustion chamber. For Diesel engines, inject Soot Remover directly into the exhaust system upstream of the area to be treated.
While While Soot Remover Liquid should be introduced to the boiler through a suitable port, preferably with an injector, ensuring that the liquid is spread through the flame path toward the back of the combustion chamber.
For provides greater fuel efficiency, but also prevents acid formation in areas where severe corrosion could result in expensive damage, i. e. heat exchangers, super heaters, economizers, exhaust paths / stacks.
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